Author Archives: elmyra

Why I ditched the Olympics and went to Edinburgh instead

I had tickets for the men’s 5000m Olympic final in which Mo Farah won his second gold medal. I chose to go to the Edinburgh Fringe instead – and didn’t regret it for a minute!
Like much of the rest of middle(class) England, I got reasonably excited in the run-up to the Olympics – sufficiently so that I applied for three sets of tickets in the initial ballot. I never thought I had a chance to actually get the athletics tickets – they were my wildcard application. I was much more hopeful about the rhythmic gymnastics (little did I know it would be six times oversubscribed) or the BMX (alas, no). Track and field it was in the end, and I was happy with that.
As the Olympics approached, however, I started having misgivings about what was being done to London and to civil liberties throughout the country in the name of Seb Coe and our Olympic overlords. It started with heavy-handed enforcement of sponsors’ brands, murmurs about sponsors’ top executives being given places in the torch relay ahead of people who had genuinely contributed to their community, and even more visible and intrusive “total policing” on my regular trips to London. The tipping point for me though were the Olympic missiles. That was when it became clear that LOCOG and the government were not looking for genuine security so much as enacting yet another piece of security theatre to be able to point at in the event of something actually going wrong. It made me feel both less safe and that I no longer wanted to be part of this.
The Edinburgh Fringe – and more specifically writer Neil Gaiman and musician Amanda Palmer – came to my rescue. They announced a one-night-only show on Sunday August 12th. There was no way I was going to be in London on the 11th and in Edinburgh on the 12th without teleportation, a time machine, or the mother of all headaches. After a quick phonecall to my partner’s parents to see if one of them wanted to pick up my spare ticket, my choice was made.
My attitude to the Olympics changed somewhat with Danny Boyle’s opening ceremony, and I spent much of the following 17 days glued to the television watching the most obscure sports which normally don’t get coverage, and watching women’s sports in particular. My enjoyment of the events did little to ease my misgivings about either the security or the civil liberties issues that accompanied the Games, and so I had no regrets when I put my partner on a train south on Friday or even when I watched from behind a sofa cushion as Mo Farah won his second gold medal on Saturday.
Edinburgh in August was its usual delightful self. From mermaids terrifying tourists to people dressed as nuns or only wearing lingerie, it’s a celebration of all things art and all things silly that the human brain can come up with. No long lists of prohibited or restricted items [PDF] here, no corporate sponsorship, no sinister total policing even when the occasional incident did demand police presence. Over four million tickets are sold for the various festivals each year, not even counting unticketed events. The number of visitors to Edinburgh in August equals or exceeds the half a million (sometimes grumbling but generally cheerful) residents. Compare this to London, with its eight million population, 8.8 million Olympics tickets and only around 600,000 visitors, and you get a good idea of the fundamentally different approaches of both cities to hosting world-class events.
As I got on the train back to Newcastle on Monday morning, regrets (other than perhaps over the slight hangover I was nursing) still failed to materialise. I do wonder, though, how much better the Olympics would have been if London took a leaf out of Edinburgh’s book and put sports and fun ahead of corporate sponsorship and security theatre.
This article also appears at the Scottish Times.

What is the Olympic legacy for women’s sport?

Like much of the rest of the nation, I have spent the better part of the last three weeks glued to the television watching the Olympics. Olympic missiles and other civil liberties issues aside, the Games exceeded my expectations right from the opening ceremony. One highlight for me have been the amazing women athletes – not just from Team GB but from around the world. From women footballers who – unlike their male counterparts – will take a kick in the face and cheerfully keep playing, to Kate Walsh playing hockey with a broken jaw, to Sarah Attar, the first female track and field athlete from Saudi Arabia, to Nicola Adams and Katie Taylor bagging the first Olympic gold medals in women’s boxing, London 2012 has been a triumph for women’s sport.
Yet of the 29 gold medals Team GB won at London 2012, only 10 went to women (and one to the mixed-gender dressage team). Team GB’s men won nearly twice as many medals overall (40) as their female counterparts (22); and Britain’s thirteen most decorated Olympians are still all men.
Women’s sport continues to receive less funding (out of 1,449 UK Sport funded athletes, 57.2% are male) and less coverage in the UK. Football is perhaps where the contrast is most stark, with male Premier League footballers being paid up to £17 million a year whereas the FA WSL, the highest league in the women’s sport, is not even fully professionalised. Overall, women’s sport only gets 0.5% of all sponsorship money in the UK, a problem further highlighted by the recent revelation that only male rowers on the Olympic team received cars from sponsor BMW.
David Cameron has promised to extend funding for Olympic sport until Rio 2016. This is great news, but we cannot afford to continue with business as usual if we truly want to leverage the legacy of the Games for women in sport. Seeing women like Jessica Ennis, Jade Jones, Gemma Gibbons, Laura Trott, Lizzie Armitstead, Zoe Smith, and Rebecca Adlington (to name only a few) perform at the top of their field, set records and win medals will have inspired millions of girls and young women to take up sport. Seeing the huge variety of female body shapes represented in the Olympics – a lot more than we would usually see on our TV screens – and seeing women confident and happy in their bodies may perhaps even counteract some of the damage the rest of the media is doing to girls’ and women’s confidence with endless talks of dieting and plastic surgery.
Yet getting girls into sport is not enough: the far bigger challenge is retaining them through their teenage years. As girls’ bodies change and they become more self-conscious about their appearance and as different interests compete for their time, teenage girls tend to drop out of sport at a considerably faster rate than boys. Personally, I pretty much stopped doing sport at the age of 14 and didn’t pick it up again until I started kickboxing in my early 20s. In the intervening years increasing self-consciousness about my body combined with PE classes which felt more like torture did more than enough to put me off the idea of exercise. I certainly never expected in my teens that I would one day get a black belt in kickboxing (I’m currently halfway to a second one, in karate), or that I would complete a half-marathon.
Additionally, while elite sport is great, the vast majority of us – male or female – will never be Olympians. It is vital to enable grassroots sport participation and highlight role models across all levels of sport. Being able to see the steps it might take to get to the top, and that success is possible at all levels is also likely to help girls stay in sport through their teens. Yet while Victoria Pendleton, Laura Trott, Lizzie Armitstead and Shanaze Reade, alongside Chris Hoy and Bradley Wiggins, celebrated amazing achievements in cycling, London remains notoriously unsafe for cyclists, even more so for women. Members of cyclist group Critical Mass were being kettled and arrested during the Olympic opening ceremony. Addressing the abysmally bad cycling facilities in this country would be a huge step for mass participation in sport and would benefit men and women alike.
These are just some of the challenges that people like the Prime Minister, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt and UK Sport need to address to truly leverage the Olympic legacy for everybody. For my part, I intend to put my money where my mouth is and watch women’s sport more than once every four years when the Olympics are on. Whether it’s going to see colleagues play hockey and netball, following your local women’s football club, or even just watching the Women’s FA Cup final, there at least one thing each of us can do to support women in sport.
This article is also available at Huffington Post.

Where are the male rhythmic gymnasts?

We have this week witnessed sporting history with Nicola Adams becoming the first ever woman boxer to win an Olympic title. For the first time ever there are now women competing in every sport where men are competing at the Olympics. While this is a great step towards sporting equality, let’s face it, we’re still far from it. Less funding, less publicity and fewer roles for women in coaching and governance still plague women’s sport. Moreover, there are still significant gender-based differences in how some sports are practised, and there are still at least two summer Olympic sports with participation from only one gender: rhythmic gymnastics and synchronised swimming are firmly established as women-only sports.
Women have always strived to be able to compete in sports traditionally reserved for men. Road and track cycling, part of the Olympic programme for men since the first modern games in 1896, didn’t allow women competitors until 1984. As recently as the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, track cycling featured seven events for men and only three for women. Women’s weightlifting was not included until the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Women’s boxing itself has had a more than 100-year-long campaign for inclusion in the games, starting with a demonstration bout in 1904.
So where are the campaigns to include men in traditionally “female” sports? Why do we not see men’s rhythmic gymnastics in the demonstration sports? Partly, gymnastics appears to suffer from a governing body that is painfully conservative. We can see this, for instance, in the differences between men’s and women’s artistic gymnastics. Where men compete on a variety of apparatus testing both upper and lower body strength and agility, women’s apparatus is heavily biased towards tumbling and leg-based skills with uneven bars being the only exception. Innovation and the introduction of new moves by gymnasts tends to be penalised, particularly for women. While men will routinely perform a one-armed swing on the high bar, attempts by women to introduce this into uneven bar routines have been discouraged with extremely low difficulty scores being awarded. The aesthetics of gymnastics are also highly regulated. While men generally perform in fairly plain attire, female competitors wear full make-up and sparkly leotards, which only get sparklier as you move to rhythmic gymnastics. Women are expected to perform floor routines to music and include dance moves, but men are not.
When I tweeted about the conspicuous absence of men’s rhythmic gymnastics in the Olympics, I was asked if there would even be any competitors. Japan has a strong tradition of men’s rhythmic gymnastics, and there are some male competitors in Europe too, but they are not allowed to take part in any of the major events. Moreover, in terms of skillset, there is absolutely no reason why male aerobic gymnasts couldn’t make a successful transition to rhythmic gymnastics. Still, it is true that there aren’t that many men currently in rhythmic gymnastics, whereas there are, for instance, plenty of women boxers.
We are therefore left with the old problem: things that men do are cool and to be aspired to; things that women do are marginal and niche. Women being allowed to do “men’s things” is – rightfully – celebrated as a great accomplishment for equality, but hardly any questions are being asked about men’s absence from certain fields. This state of affairs is hardly unique to sport – just look at the gender balance in nursing. The effect is the same, regardless of which gender we are barring from an activity. We are preventing individuals from fulfilling their potential. This is not just a shame for the individuals involved but for society as a whole. We’re missing out on male top talent in nursing and gymnastics just as we’re missing out on female top talent in science and technology.
One encouraging development is that newer sports being introduced to the Olympics for the first time generally tend to treat men and women equally. Mountain biking (first introduced in 1996) and BMX (2008) both do this. So does Taekwondo (2000), unlike boxing which despite now allowing women’s participation has different rules for men and women. Yet if we want true equality, we need to challenge the dinosaurs of sport such as the International Gymnastics Federation, to treat both genders equally across different variations in the sport and to encourage participation from all.
This article is also available at Huffington Post.

A Tale of Two Britains

The story of Britain, of who the people of these islands are and how they – we, I suppose – came to be here, is hotly contested political ground right now. The Conservative part of the coalition government is trying to retell that story. From highly misleading narratives about benefits scroungers sponsored by the Prime Minister to cutting taxes for top earners and practically handing the history curriculum to right-wing historian Niall Ferguson, the story this government is telling of what Britain as a nation values is one of individualism, money, and empire.

From teasers and early coverage of rehearsals for the Olympic opening ceremony (turning the stadium into a representation of rural Britain, complete with sheep and all that), I must admit I was expecting a continuation of that story, a sequel to the sickly-sweet pageantry of the Jubilee complete with miles of bunting. Given that it was Danny Boyle running the show, I perhaps did him a disservice. Yet with everyone and everything else who has sold out to turn London into an Olympic-occupied territory with shocking restrictions on free speech, more troops deployed for the games than in Afghanistan, and the infamous Olympic missiles, I can perhaps be forgiven for having extremely low expectations of the opening ceremony.

Danny Boyle blew my socks off. Bizarre though this sounds given the £27 million cost of the show, his opening ceremony is perhaps the most overtly grassroots-political act in the Olympics since the 1968 Black Power salute. Politics and the Olympic games do tend to go hand in hand. From boycotts and counter-boycotts during the Cold War to the spectacular display of Chinese ascendency that was the Beijing Games, grand political gestures by world powers are par for the course. Yet such gestures tend to leave real people behind. Danny Boyle’s retelling of the story of Britain, on the other hand, swept us all up with it. It presented a powerful, credible image of Britain that couldn’t be more different from the Tory narrative.

From the shipping forecast to the hard labour of miners and factory workers during the industrial revolution, to successive waves of immigration, a celebration of the NHS and a jawdropping tour of British culture and music, the Britain Boyle showed us was idiosyncratic, diverse, multicultural and fun. This is after all the country that gave us the World Wide Web and gave Saudi state television its first lesbian kiss. There is a place here for everyone: black, brown or white, young or old, able-bodied or otherwise, male, female, straight, gay, born here or overseas, it is all of us who make this country the amazing place that it is. This is the Britain I fell in love with, the reason why ten years after finishing the degree I came here for I am still in this country. It is arguably also a Britain that doesn’t, strictly speaking, exist.

In between all the sound and fury, the celebration of different people and cultures coming together, there are plenty of those who do not wish for this Britain to exist. One Tory MP called the spectacle “leftie multi-cultural crap”. At the same time as winged figures cycled into the stadium in another stunning set piece, police outside were kettling and manhandling peacefully protesting cyclists. Then of course there are the aforementioned troops and Olympic missiles. Danny Boyle’s vision doesn’t quite match reality. It is, however, a representation of the best of Britain, of Britain as many of us would like it to be, of the kind of Britain many of us a working towards. At a time like this, when the story of these isles is so hotly contested, creating such a powerful, inclusive and inspirational vision, and using the greatest global marketing campaign to do so, is a truly audacious political statement.

The crowning achievement of the night was – how could it be anything else? – the lighting of the cauldron. Not one single cauldron but 204 individual petals representing the nations taking part in the Olympics. Not one single mega-star carrying the torch those final few steps but seven young athletes, lighting that Olympic flame together. At a time when individualism has practically become a religion, when we are worshipping the rich, famous and powerful, the cauldron and the seven young people who lit it are a stunning symbol of what we can achieve by working together and supporting each other. Against the backdrop of multicultural, diverse Britain which serves as a reminder that we can still be individuals, there is immense power in that image.

Danny Boyle has stuck up two fingers to the story of individualism, money and empire and given us a vision to work towards. Just when many of us have begun to wonder whether we can turn the tide of selfishness, pettiness and narrow-mindedness that seems to be sweeping the country with this government, whether we can tell a different story, Boyle has given us that story and reminded us that we, indeed, can build Jerusalem.

Note: This article is now also available on Huffington Post.

[Elsewhere] When Worlds Collide

As a woman and feminist working in technology and interested in digital rights, I occasionally find that the different worlds I am part of collide quite spectacularly. Case in point: the growing controversy over how women are treated in certain online spaces, notably gaming and blogging, but also in everyday social interactions online. Let’s take a quick tour of the female experience of online spaces.
Read more on ORGZine.

Fifty shades… of wrong

Driven by sheer willpower, I have chewed my way through the first two volumes of the Fifty Shades trilogy. It has been a traumatic experience. Now, before I get accused by the likes of Edwina Currie of being a prude, feminist spoilsport, I feel I should disclose that erotica written by women for women is something I’m actually reasonably qualified to talk about: I have been reading it since I was 17, I’ve read over a million words of the stuff over the last six months alone (not counting Fifty Shades), and have written somewhere around 50,000 words myself over the last ten or so years, all across different genres and kinks.
Some reviewers have been particularly disparaging about the trilogy’s origins as a work of Twilight fanfiction. I am willing to bet that neither of the above commentators have actually read much fanfiction – and neither have most people reading Fifty Shades. As a longtime reader and writer of fanfic, it worries me that this is the first impression mainstream cultures get of fandom.
At its best, fanfiction is a great space for exploring issues that mainstream media won’t touch with a bargepole, or will do badly. Non-heteronormative sexualities are a popular theme, but far from the only one. Fed up with the tokenisation of non-white characters? Pick up your favourite black character from a book, a TV show or a movie and give them a real personality and a life of their own. Dissatisfied with the representation of disabled characters? You can do it better. Of course there is some incredibly poor writing in fanfic – just as there is in every editor’s slushpile; but the fact that anyone can write and publish anything without having to think about what will sell well means there is a wealth of extremely good, challenging and thought-provoking material produced by fandom.
Fifty Shades, alas, is not an example of that. Rather, the trilogy reads like BDSM porn written by the marketing department, and this is where the root of many of the problems with the books lies. In order to gently induct more nervous readers into what ends up being fairly mild BDSM anyway, the author makes two particular choices about her main characters which create an incredibly creepy and abusive relationship dynamic between them: Anastasia is a 21-year-old virgin who has never been in a relationship or even masturbated; Christian’s BDSM tendencies are “explained” by a background of child abuse and sexual abuse in his teenage years. What could possibly go wrong? Where do we start?
Do a quick Google search for “signs of abusive relationship”, pick an arbitrary list, and you will find that on average Christian Grey meets between half and three quarters of the criteria. Let’s look at some of them.
Extreme jealousy: There isn’t a man in Ana’s life who Christian isn’t jealous of. Her best friend, her housemate’s brother, her first boss’s brother, her second boss – if Christian had his way, Ana would never see any of these men again. He goes as far as buying the company she works for so he can sack her boss.
Controlling behaviour: Christian wants to control what Ana eats and when, how much exercise she does, how much sleep she gets, where she goes and who with, what she wears. Some of this is ostensibly part of the BDSM arrangement he is proposing; some is allegedly for Ana’s own safety. On about day two of their relationship, he presents her with a BlackBerry, pretty much stating outright that it’s so he can keep tabs on her. What it adds up to is Christian controlling every minute facet of Ana’s life. This is despite his protestations that “[o]utside the playroom, I like that you challenge me. It’s a very novel and refreshing experience, and I wouldn’t want to change that.” Yet when Ana’s friends see her again after only two weeks apart, they all remark on how changed she is.
Quick involvement: By the end of the second book, Christian and Ana have known each other for about a month, and they’re engaged. He proposes halfway through an argument, while Ana is still trying to get her head around yet another revelation about his past. Speaking of which, Ana never gets a chance to get her head around anything: every time she tries to gain some distance to think things through, he follows her, distracts her with sex, or completely changes the game with another of his revelations.
Isolation: Christian starts his relationship with Ana by asking her to sign an NDA. Even when she raises the objection that she’s a virgin who’s never been in a relationship and might want to talk about some of these things with her housemate, he says she should talk to him instead. Combined with the extreme jealousy, this means that over the four weeks of their relationship Ana practically loses touch with all her friends. At one point she is even told off for being friendly with Christian’s driver.
Blaming others: Christian blames Ana for being sexually assaulted by her best friend, blames her refusal to obey him for his outbursts of anger and his controlling behaviour, blames the fact that he overstepped her boundaries on her failure to use a safeword. By the second book, Ana is automatically justifying his abusive behaviour for him.
“Playful” use of force in sex: Let’s get one thing straight here: It is perfectly possible to have a non-abusive BDSM relationship. What Christian and Ana have isn’t it. Here’s a description of their first kiss – before the NDA, before he’s even talked to her about boundaries, or contracts, or the kinds of sexual activities either of them like (emphasis mine):

“Oh, fuck the paperwork,” he growls. He lunges at me, pushing me against the wall of the elevator. Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in one of his in a viselike grip above my head, and he’d pinning me to the wall using his hips. Holy shit. His other hand grabs my hair and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine. It’s only just not painful.

From that point onwards, Ana’s boundaries are systematically destroyed. By the second book he actually rapes her. Oh, he doesn’t jump out of the bushes with a knife, but he keeps going after she’s withdrawn consent, telling her not to “overthink” things. Once he’s got her back under control he checks if she wants to stop, but it’s way too late by then.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Ana’s word for this one is “mercurial”, but that doesn’t even come close to describing Christian’s mood swings. She is continually forced to second-guess herself, to adjust her behaviour to his moods, to try to work out what will and won’t upset him – often with very little success.
Add to all of this the financial control (he repeatedly tries to persuade her that she doesn’t need to work), the constant manipulative behaviour, the stalking which is pretty much how their relationship starts, and the emotional blackmail which is a key tool for destroying Ana’s sexual and personal boundaries, and you have a textbook abusive relationship which has nothing to do with the BDSM aspects of their sex life.
Now, what does a good, innocent young girl do when she finds herself in an abusive relationship? She sticks around to “save” her abuser from themselves. Ana’s view – which is never challenged in the text – is that it is the abuse in Christian’s past that has given him his taste for BDSM and some of the more quirky (read abusive) sides of his personality, and that if only she could somehow fix that, she can fix him. This conflation of past trauma, psychological issues, abusive behaviour and BDSM is both damaging and insulting on several levels.
First, there is the implication that if you’re into BDSM, there must be something wrong with you, you must need fixing in some way; second, the implication that you can “fix” a lifetime of abuse and mental health problems by meeting the right ingenue with an innate talent for deep-throat blowjobs; and finally, what is perhaps the most damaging message of the book is that if only you could become enough of a doormat, you can change an abusive partner. Yet what has actually happened is not that Christian has changed – he is still manipulative, controlling, jealous and isolating. Rather, it is Ana who has completely changed by the end of the second book, with her self esteem utterly dependent on Christian and her boundaries thoroughly pushed and destroyed.
If you can get over or ignore the abuse issues, there still remains the problem of the incredibly poor writing. There is EL James’ tendency to reach for the thesaurus a bit too much: nobody actually ever “says” anything in the books – mostly they “mutter”, though sometimes they “gasp” or “exclaim”. Plot, structure and pacing are not concepts James is familiar with. Most irritating, though, are the sex scenes. They are repetitive both in terms of content and language used. You only need to tell us once that Christian smells of Christian. There are probably more ways to describe the female orgasm than “I explode around him”, more ways to describe the male orgasm than “he finds his release”.
What is even more distracting is the complete and utter lack of realism. My body doesn’t work in the way EL James describes, and statistically speaking neither do most women’s bodies. 75% of us don’t orgasm from penetrative sex (that’s all the slamming and pounding, in Fifty Shades parlance) alone, and I suspect over 90% don’t come from just… well, being told to come. Neither does the “exploding around him” and the “finding his release” generally happen at the same time. I also suspect men reading the books may find a similar disconnect with reality and be absolutely horrified at the thought that their partners might now expect them to get it up three times within an hour. I find it hard to get turned on by something which is asking me to identify with feelings and actions that in no way come close to any sexual experience I’ve ever had. Fantasy sex is great – it can turn us on, give us ideas, allow us to explore our sexuality; but to do that we have to be able to relate to it on some level. Fifty Shades is not so much fantasy as it is farce.
Finally, there has been some discussion about the Fifty Shades effect of getting women to read erotica in public (or at all, really). Is it creepy? Is it socially acceptable? Having shared plenty of public spaces with men engrossed in FHM, page 3 of the Sun or Nuts magazine, I’ve absolutely no problem with reading Fifty Shades in public. At least people would have to make a conscious effort to work out whether I’m reading the juicy bits, unlike page 3 which everyone in a ten-foot radius has to endure. On a more general level, I do think women should consume erotica and porn (see above comment re fantasy sex). We should explore our sexuality more, seek out different experiences in fiction and in real life, talk about it more and figure out what we as individuals do and don’t like. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the issue is not porn, the issue is that objectification and exploitation of women is the only socially and culturally sanctioned expression of sexuality – for both men and women.
So if Fifty Shades worked for you, great – though I’d encourage you to think about some of the abusive aspects of the relationships depicted and not take the books as a bible on that front. If it didn’t – go find something that does work for you! There’s plenty of free erotica on the Internet, fanfiction and otherwise. Just ask Google. Personally, I’m tempted to direct you to Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie’s Lost Girls which is not only fabulous porn but also challenges some of our preconceptions about women’s sexuality and the relationship between sexual fantasies and sexual reality. Give it a go, and explore from there!

[Elsewhere] Cake or Death

At the end of May this year, new EU rules on cookies came into force. We are not talking the chocolate chip variety here, but the small chunks of seemingly-random text which websites save on your computer as you browse the web. These little files enable basic functionalities like online shopping or setting your language preferences, but they can also be used to identify you and track your browsing across multiple sites. This allows, for instance, advertisers to build up detailed profiles of your interests and behaviour to better target their ads. Most internet users are only vaguely aware of cookies, what they do or how they work.
Read more over on ORGZine.

[Elsewhere] English identity crisis

I was born Bulgarian, am legally Austrian, have spent most of my life in the UK and I self-identify as European. So let me tell you about Englishness.
It strikes me as highly amusing that the English – and, frankly, from Newcastle it looks more like just those south of Watford – are having an identity crisis prompted by Scots’ desire for independence. It feels like they are waking up to realise that not everyone on this island is English after all. But if they’re not, then what is it that makes English people special and unique? Well, as an outsider, more-or-less, who has spent a substantial amount of time in this country, I have some thoughts on how “Englishness” relates to Britishness and other national identities of the UK.
Read more at the Scottish Times.

A modest proposal

The Olympic brand is big money, and anyone who can get their hands on it gets extremely protective. LOCOG (the organising committee of this year’s games in London) is busy scrubbing the capital clean of any logos not belonging to their corporate sponsors. Their guidelines on prohibited and restricted items [PDF] ban “[a]ny objects or clothing bearing political statements or overt commercial identification” from the Olympic venues. Want to wear your Che Guevara t-shirt to the beach volleyball finals? Forget it. A number of Twitter accounts protesting or satirising the Olympics have been suspended at LOCOG’s request for fear that people my genuinely think “official protesters of the London Olympic Games” are somehow affiliated with the brand. Visa is switching off competitors’ cash points in Olympic venues, lest you get your cash for your £7 pint of Heineken (you guessed it, no other lager allowed) from the Co-operative bank. Coca Cola’s marketing chief feels this level of enforcement is “appropriate given the amount of money that the sponsors are putting in”.
Not to be left behind, the US Olympic Committee have waded in on the action – by picking on knitters of all people. Ravelry, the popular, members-only, social network for crafters, holds an annual event formerly known as the Ravelympics – a bit of highly creative, highly productive and somewhat competitive fun featuring events such as charity rowing and scarf hockey. USOC feels this infringes on their intellectual property rights.

Thus,’s unauthorized use of the mark OLYMPIC or derivations thereof, such as RAVELYMPICS, may constitute trademark infringement, unfair competition and dilution of our famous trademarks.

Arguably, if you feel you can’t compete with a small, members-only social network of people wielding pointy sticks, your brand has bigger problems. To add insult to injury, USOC also contend that knitting is unworthy of being called “Olympic” (emphasis mine):

The athletes of Team USA have usually spent the better part of their entire lives training for the opportunity to compete at the Olympic Games and represent their country in a sport that means everything to them. For many, the Olympics represent the pinnacle of their sporting career. Over more than a century, the Olympic Games have brought athletes around the world together to compete in an event that has come to mean much more than just a competition between the world’s best athletes. The Olympic Games represent ideals that go beyond sport to encompass culture and education, tolerance and respect, world peace and harmony.
The USOC is responsible for preserving the Olympic Movement and its ideals within the United States. Part of that responsibility is to ensure that Olympic trademarks, imagery and terminology are protected and given the appropriate respect. We believe using the name “Ravelympics” for a competition that involves an afghan marathon, scarf hockey and sweater triathlon, among others, tends to denigrate the true nature of the Olympic Games. In a sense, it is disrespectful to our country’s finest athletes and fails to recognize or appreciate their hard work.

I am willing to bet that there are knitters on Ravelry who have spent considerably more hours perfecting their craft and making beautiful things in the process than most Olympic athletes have spent training. That is, however, beside the point. USOC’s justification for this farcical action is that, in exchange not getting any Federal funding for their activities, Congress has granted them the exclusive commercial use of the word “Olympic” and other associated bits and pieces. Which made me think that all of this ludicrous money-grabbing may present quite a neat solution for a rather different problem.
See, there is a reason that we call them “Olympic” games, and it’s that they are modelled after an event invented by the ancient Greeks which used to take place at the sanctuary of Olympia. I’m envisioning a letter from Greece to the IOC…

Dear IOC,
We note that you are using the name “Olympic” to make lots of money. We kinda have prior art on this, and we have found ourselves in a sport of financial bother. Effective immediately, we will start charging a license fee on the use of the word “Olympic” of $$millions and millions. Oh, scrap that, we’ll make it retroactive, right back to 1904.
Pay up.

Just sayin’

Let’s play Stereotype Bingo with the European Commission!

Apparently, science is a “girl thing”. Thank you for that enlightenment, European Commission! As a female astrophysicist friend put it, the EU’s brand new initiative to attract more women into science is offensive to both men and women – and frankly to scientists. So looking at the teaser video (above) and other content on the site, let’s play Stereotype Bingo!
Stereotype Bingo
Let’s start from the top, shall we?
Women want to know about work-life balance as much as about the job
Looking at the profiles of women in science videos, nearly half the time in each video is dedicated to what these amazing women do in their free time, be it play football, go shopping or look after the kids. Firstly, there are plenty of women out there who just want to know what the job is, thank you very much. More importantly though, perpetuating this stereotype with employers is actively harmful to women’s careers. Women are already seen as a liability because they “they can run off and have kids any time”, with high-profile business leaders like Alan Sugar demanding the right to ask women about childcare plans at interview stage. Sure, if we’ll treat men in the same way, let’s talk about work-life balance. But let’s not make it the most important topic for one gender only.
Women are naturally caring
In Six reasons why science needs you, we are told about scientific careers in healthcare (healing); food security (feeding); transport, energy and climate action (fixing our broken planet); and “innovative and secure societies” (keeping everyone safe). Hang on! Where are my explosions? I demand explosions!
Women like pink!
It is impossible to attract women to our website without pink. Perhaps the European Commission should have a word with Pink Stinks. ’nuff said.
Make-up! The science of make-up!
Apparently the Commission have been cribbing ideas from the German Greens [article in German] who recently suggested that one way to get girls interested in science was to teach them about make-up. Apart from the fact that there are plenty of other more exciting applications of chemistry, physics and biology, one does wonder whether the people behind this appreciate the amount of time scientists researching hair dye spend handling strands of cut-off human hair.
It’s a “girl thing”. Even running your own department you’ll still be a girl.
Brian Cox notwithstanding, most people entering scientific careers do actually age beyond 12. Calling women in science “girls” infantilises them and diminishes the achievements of highly professional women like Dr Silke Buehler-Paschen, featured in one of the role model videos.
Clothes and shopping are supremely important to women
In under a minute, the teaser video features three close-ups of shoes. Award-winning veterinarian virologist Dr Ilaria Capua spends a significant amount of time in her role model video shopping for clothes. This is the woman between us and the bird flu apocalypse! I don’t want to know about her clothes!
Women ask for directions
This one is from Iris Slootheer’s video. She talks about the difference between girls and boys, and how women will ask questions if they don’t understand something, whereas men will just get bogged down. There are two problems with this. Firstly, it depends very much on the context whether women will ask questions. In a large mixed-sex group, even a gender-balanced one, women will rarely ask questions. I’ve been to talks on abortion with largely female audiences where only men asked any questions. Secondly, when women do ask questions in situations where men don’t – generally because they would like something explained in a different way – this makes their peers perceive them as less capable. There are many such differences in the ways the same behaviour is perceived in different genders, and they do tend to make it more difficult to for women to progress in male-dominated professions. (Sheryl Sandberg does a great job explaining some of this, as do Pat Heim and Randall Munroe.)
Event when it’s messy, “girl science” is clean
This is one of the things that struck me about the teaser video. We have a bit of dry ice, we have eye shadow going all over the place, but ultimately, everything is crisp and clean. My mother was a research chemist before circumstances forced her to change career, and she got to set things on fire. Let me tell you – that was messy!
Women like practical and applied things. No theory here.
With the exception of Dr Yael Nazé who is an astrophysicist, all of the women featured in the role modelling videos are in the applied sciences. Where are the theoretical physicists and mathematicians? I’m sure women can cope with theory just as well as men!
A scientific career is a good way to meet men
Look at Microscope Boy in the teaser video! The sharp jaw line; the smouldering looks! Don’t you want to go into science just to meet him? Dr Marieke Huisman also mentions this in her video. Because clearly the reason I want to spend my entire career in a male-dominated field is so I can meet boys. There’s a running joke that Vienna’s medical school is Austria’s largest dating agency, but really, that’s so 20th century!
You have a free choice of career at the age this website is aimed at
This is one of the more insidious messages of the campaign. Let’s face it, if you’re a girl at 16 or 17 looking at this and trying to decide whether to go into science, you have years of schooling behind you during which you will have been subtly (and sometimes not-so subtly) encouraged to think that real science isn’t for girls, that liking science makes you unfeminine, or that femininity and attractiveness to the opposite sex matter more than intelligence and your future career. We have bigger problems that convincing 17-year-olds that science is sexy. Let’s start by removing the requirement for sexiness from everything girls and women do.
Your achievements are not as important as your “passion”
All of the women in the role model videos do a brilliant job of getting across their passion and enthusiasm for science. This is great! Yet why are we not recognising their achievements in these videos? Several of these women are at quite an advanced stage in their career: they have not only doctorates but run departments and have won awards. Why are their titles not used in the videos? Why don’t they get to talk about some of the amazing achievements of their careers? Passion is hugely important, but being able to showcase your results is what will get you up that career ladder!
Women are creative and being so is important to them
Creativity is one of the buzzwords that’s hugely overused across the site and I suspect this has something to do with gender stereotypes. Women are commonly seen as more creative and therefore when marketing careers to them the opportunity to be creative is a selling point. I know enough scientists to know that science is very much 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. You will spend a lot of time on your own, looking at a computer screen. You will stare at data until your eyes are square. You will drip liquids into test tubes until your fingers hurt. And then you’ll do it some more. Setting unrealistic expectations of a job helps no one. Yes, of course there’s room for insight and creativity, but there’s a lot more room for hard work, for Hubble having used the wrong filter on your data so you’ve now misplaced a galaxy, and for staring at your code for hours until your colleague looks over your shoulder and points out the missing semi-colon.
International careers are awesome!
Well, they are, to an extent. Several of the women in the role model videos talk about the fantastic international opportunities they have had. However, what is hidden behind this is the fact that science careers, certainly in the early stages, are extremely uncertain and precarious. When your school friends are on their second baby, you’ll just about be finishing your education. After that, chances are you will end up in a series of itinerant postdoc positions, moving to a different university every couple of years. If you’re lucky, you might become a lecturer one day, though tenure is increasingly elusive. Oh, and you’d better not have met a nice boy-scientist (or another girl-scientist) after all, because their career will almost certainly take them to the opposite side of the world to you!
Women are innately social creatures
A few of the videos emphasise the social interactions of scientific work (teaching students, meeting colleagues, etc.) over the time spent staring at your code or dripping liquids into test tubes. You know what? Some women hate people and will happily sit by themselves with their code and their test tubes. There’s nothing wrong with that!
Boy-scientists will ogle you
This one is actually probably true. Look at how we are again prioritising attractiveness to the opposite sex (see Microscope Boy) over our own achievements!
There are a few things I do like about the campaign. Despite their flaws I like the role model videos. I like that they cover a range of sciences as well as women at very different stages in their career. Role models are hugely important and the range of women we see here can hopefully give girls confidence that there is place and a path for them in a scientific career. Overall though? Could do better.