Author Archives: elmyra

BigotGate Redux

Yesterday I was in tears. Today, I’m in the Guardian and on the BBC World Service. So first of all a huge THANK YOU to everyone who commented, linked, retweeted, posted my article on Facebook. I had no idea how much of a chord this would strike with people when I was sitting here pouring out my sadness and anger on to the Internet last night.
I’ve had nearly 200 comments here, over 800 on Comment is Free, and more tweets than I could keep up with even if I’d stayed up all night. I want to summarise and address a few of the common themes I’m seeing.
The comments I’ve received to this article here and elsewhere fall roughly into the following categories:
1. A lot of people came forward and said “I’m sorry I didn’t stand up to this earlier, I took it as given that she was a bigot and didn’t think it needed saying.”
2. A slightly smaller number of people have re-iterated concerns about immigration – some coherently, others less so.
3. A small number of people tell me they’re fine with me personally and with others like me who pay tax, but all those other immigrants should go home.
4. A small number of people have told me that I’m overreacting and that people say much worse things on a daily basis about immigrants.
5. And a tiny minority have told me to eff of home.
To those who didn’t think it needed saying: If you don’t speak up and tell your leaders that you don’t buy what you’re being fed by the tabloids, your leaders will only listen to the tabloids. It doesn’t matter if you’re a majority – if you’re a silent majority it’s as if you don’t exist. Speak out, don’t let things like this go unchallenged.
To those who say Gillian Duffy’s comments were harmless and people say much worse things: You are right, they do. But most people who say worse things don’t get grovelling apologies from the Prime Minister or to dominate the news cycle for over 24 hours.
To those who are fine with me personally: Thanks. I am flattered. No, not really. I’ve been on the receiving end of this all my life. Huge loud heated discussion about all those foreigners taking our jobs and our women, then someone turns around, sees me, falls silent and mutters how of course they didn’t mean me. It comes back to this: Every human being deserves to be treated with some basic dignity and respect, regardless of whether they work hard, pay tax, speak perfect English, or contribute in some other way to society. It’s easy to forget that – and I have at times been guilty of forgetting it myself. But maybe by standing up and writing this, I can help us all remember.
To the people who would like me to eff off home: Britain is my home, for better or for worse. I have lived here longer than in any other country; my partner is British; most of my friends are either British or live here; when I have children, I want to raise them here. It’s as simple as that.
And finally, as it’s the most complex issue, to those who have re-iterated concerns about immigration: Of course there are legitimate concerns in this area. However, the word immigration is often used to cover a multitude of sins – from unemployment, to housing, education, health care, social services. These are all complex issues, and I believe we should look at them individually and give them the amount of attention they deserve. Using immigration as a short-cut is lazy and cheap political point-scoring. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: The sad thing is that the political culture of this country makes it difficult to have a real debate on those issues because presenting a balanced view on the subject would be political suicide.

I Am and Eastern European

Words fail me. I have been staring alternately at my screen and keyboard for the last two hours in complete and utter paralysis, while inside I am raging. At one point I actually genuinely broke down in tears and great heaving sobs.
I have been watching BigotGate unfold – mostly on Twitter, a bit on LJ, a bit in mainstream media – since around lunchtime. Oh, I thought initially, finally someone’s made a gaffe in this election campaign – just what the media have been wanting. Then I actually went and watched the clip – first the short version on the Channel 4 News website which only has the last 30 seconds of the PM’s conversation with Gillian Duffy and his comments in the car; then I watched the full thing, which included Mrs. Duffy’s comments on the flocking Eastern Europeans.
Then I watched the comments on Twitter. Some were mocking Gordon Brown for the slip-up. (Simon and Julia Indelicate, I’m looking at you. Simon and Julia have both contacted me – see below – and for the record I never thought or meant to imply that they were racists. I really appreciate them getting in touch and publicly standing up to be counted on the anti-bigotry side of this whole mess.) Another LJ friend said “I don’t believe what Gordon Brown says either. I am therefore also a #bigotedwoman by his standards. Good! #election2010”. I started feeling ever so slightly nauseous. A part of me knew from the start that what Gillian Duffy had said was unacceptable, it was directed against me and people like me, and it just wasn’t right. But reading my Twitter feed I thought, surely if it was that bad someone there would pick up on her actual comments, and not just go for Gordon Brown. Maybe I was being oversensitive.
I did eventually pluck up the courage to tweet a shy, self-deprecating “Flocking eastern European here. Just sayin’.” No reaction. Sod it, I thought, maybe I am just overreacting. Comments about immigration are inevitable, especially in an election campaign, someone will always make them. Just grow a thicker skin, Mili.
I follow about 90 mostly left-wing fluffy liberal people on Twitter and have another 60-odd LJ friends. Given overlaps, people I don’t know terribly well, inactive accounts, minor celebrities, and people in foreign lands, there are maybe 50 people there whom I could legitimately expect to say something in defence of us flocking Eastern Europeans. It took six hours for one person to step forward and say that yes, Gillian Duffy was a bigoted woman and Gordon Brown has been right to call her that. One person. Out of 50. In six hours. That person has my heartfelt gratitude. (I am aware that I have named and shamed above, and now I’m not giving credit by name, but it was a locked post and they’re a public figure. If the person in question would like me to identify them, I very happily will.)
At that point I completely lost it. I’m not sure I can explain how this whole sordid affair makes me feel, but let me try.
Anger. Anger at Gillian Duffy, anger at all the people who weren’t willing to stand up to her.
Shame. Shame at the realisation that I had only allowed myself to feel this anger after I had been “given permission” by the comment from the native British person who stood up for me. Blaming myself for not standing up for myself earlier, more forcefully.
A desperate need to justify myself. I pay higher-rate income tax. I contribute to the UK economy, I contribute to UK society. I probably pay into the tax system more than I get back out of it. Extending that justification to other immigrants – parts of the UK economy probably would collapse without immigrant labour; I wonder how much immigrants contribute in total to the economy; we all come here to work, and we work damn hard. A range of other economic arguments, all around contribution, all around this incredibly Tory notion of my money being the only thing that entitles me to anything like decent treatment from this society.
More anger. This time at being disempowered and disenfranchised; at being a cheap target for political point scoring because Gillian Duffy and the 60 million people like her have a vote, and I and the couple of hundred thousand people like me don’t, and therefore she will always get a grovelling apology from the Prime Minister, and we won’t.
A desperate attempt to reclaim power, to find some leverage: I wonder if I can stop paying taxes, if I can get some sort of campaign going for all immigrants to stop paying taxes – I bet they’d notice us then. Oh, I wonder if I can challenge Gillian Duffy to take the citizenship test.
The slow, sad realisation that the political culture in the UK is such that no politician has any choice but to grovel to the bigots. Because standing up and explaining to them instead that immigrants make a massive contribution to the economy, let alone that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of nationality, citizenship or contribution, would be political suicide.
And finally a profound sense of isolation, hurt, and being alone. Tears and huge heaving sobs. I’ve not cried like that in about five years.
That’s how Gillian Duffy has made me feel today. What did I ever do to her?
I am writing this because realistically it’s the only way that I can get any leverage on the situation without landing myself in jail. I’m also writing this because you need to know. Yes, you. All of you with the British passports and the huge sense of entitlement. Regardless of whether you support the Tories or LibDems or Labour or any of the other parties – none of you covered yourselves in glory today, bar one single person. And maybe making a personal connection with an immigrant, understanding how they feel, and how they see the world will help you stand up and act like a decent human being next time this happens.
So here’s what I want you to do. I can guarantee you that you know an immigrant: they might be a close friend, they might be the girl who makes your decaf skinny latte in the coffee shop, they might be a colleague. I want you to go up to that person and ask them what it’s like being an immigrant in the UK. Even if you think you know them really well already, you probably have never thought or talked to them about these things. How does it feel to be so far away from home? To leave your life behind and start again from scratch? To be in the middle of a general election where you have no voice? Why did they come here? What do and don’t they like about Britain? What’s it like where they come from? Be nice and polite, approach them carefully, explain that you are trying to educate yourself, to understand and to become a better person. Listen. Don’t judge. Maybe you’ll learn something.

A Word from the Disenfranchised

With the general election fast approaching, I’m finding myself in a dilemma. I am not British, and while I have been living here for 10 years I have reasons for not applying for British citizenship (mostly to do with the fact that the country I’m currently a citizen of will not let me have dual citizenship). So in the coming general election, I have no voice.
I’ve become a lot more politically active over the last few months, largely prompted by the Digital Economy Bill. I have written to my MP three times and called their office twice. I have written to Parliamentary candidates in my constituency to ask their views on secret lobbying and electoral reform. I display an election poster in my window, asking candidates to come and talk to me about their take on the Digital Economy Act. And every time I do one of these things I feel like a complete and utter fraud. Because they’re not my MP, or my constituency. They’re the MP and the constituency of all the people who live there and happen to hold a UK passport, and I’m not one of those people.
The running joke is that, should any Parliamentary candidates be foolish enough to knock on my door and want to talk to me I’ll do one of two things: If they’re Green or LibDem I will be completely open about the fact that talking to me is a waste of their time and they should go and convince someone who actually has a vote to cast; candidates from other parties will face a long list of questions I have on a wide variety of issues, to stop them from hassling other people for as long as possible. I guess that’s one way of making my voice heard, but to be honest so far hardly anyone (notable exception: personal note from the Green Party Parliamentary candidate in response to the poster in my window) has actually tried to talk to me – or anyone in Newcastle as far as I can tell: not in my street, not in the town centre.
Part of me desperately wants to have a voice, to be able to vote and participate in the political system of this country. I’ve been here for 10 years, I work here, I live here, my partner is British, I pay taxes and contribute to the UK economy and society in a variety of ways. I’m hoping to live in this country for years to come, and I’m hoping to raise my children here. There is a wide range of issues under discussion in this general election which will have a profound impact on my life and the lives of my future children. And yet, I have no right for my opinions to be heard.
Here’s a (non-exhaustive, in no particular order) list of the issues that I care about, and a little bit about why and how they’re playing out in the election campaign so far.
Education: From nursery school, right up until higher education and research funding, I care about it all. As I said, I plan to have children, I hope to raise them in this country, and I want the best possible eduction for them. Here are some buzzowrds to watch out for in the campaign: SureStart; academies; free schools; faith schools; sex and relationships eduction; league tables. Personally, I firmly believe that the state should provide high-quality education to all children, regardless of class or ability level, and that the state should control the school curriculum (as opposed to, say, private companies or religious organisations). I genuinely don’t want to end up as the kind of middle class parent who firmly believes in the theory of the state comprehensive but sends her children to public school because that’s the best she can do for them. On the higher education front, watch out for tuition fees, top-up fees, funding for research councils, funding for lower or equivalent qualifications, targets for young people in higher education. Will you/your children leave university in debt to the tune of 60k and go into a job market flooded with 2:2 media studies graduates?
Immigration: Every time I hear the phrase “economic migrant” – invariably said with disdain and contempt – I want to punch things. I’m an economic migrant (albeit a privileged one, with an EU passport). I would really like to see some balanced statistics about the impact of economic migrants on the economy. Yes, of course some of us aren’t fluent in English, and our kids might need special attention at school for a bit until they pick up the language, or we might need an interpreter at the doctor’s, but equally, we contribute a huge amount to the economy. Some of us, frankly, do jobs that British people wouldn’t be seen dead doing. Some of us are hideously overqualified for the jobs we end up in. Some of us pay higher rate income tax. Some of us volunteer in the community. Generally someone who comes over here as an economic migrant comes with the will and intention to work, make a contribution, and make a better life for themselves, not sponge off the system. That’s what being an economic migrant means. Stop talking about us like we’re some sort of plague.
Young people: There’s a separate post coming on this, but as a starter for ten, do you want your children growing up in a society where teenagers are seen as walking ASBOs? Where they have nothing to do and nowhere to go once they’re out of school? Where cities actively declare war on them, be it through disproportionately targeting them with stop-and-search powers, or making it hugely expensive for landlords to let houses to sharers?
Old people: Can you afford to put aside 8k at retirement? Would you rather the money to pay for any care you might need be taken out of your estate after your death? Would you like to work until you’re 80? (You might have to, what with retirement age going up, but then again you might find you can’t as the government refuses to extend age discrimination legislation to those over 65.)
Diversity, inclusion and equality: This one covers a multitude of sins. I’m a foreign bisexual woman. I’d be asking my Parliamentary candidates about addressing homophobic bullying in schools and homophobic hate crime on the streets; same-sex marriage/asking other countries to legally recognise UK civil partnerships; discrimination against LGB people in the provision of public services (It may be illegal but it still happens!); asylum-seekers who are persecuted in their country for their sexual orientation.
I’d also be asking them about the gender pay gap, availability and status of part-time work and other flexible working arrangements, parental/paternity leave, child care provisions. And while we’re on women’s rights and equality, let’s talk abortion. This is still very much a current issue. There was a serious attempt in this Parliament, strongly supported by the Conservatives, to significantly reduce the time limit for late-term abortions. Additionally, there are still nearly 1 million women in the UK without access to safe and legal abortion: the women of Northern Ireland. Just a thought.
And if I was having a laugh I might challenge my Parliamentary candidates to a little competition involving the Life in the UK citizenship test.
Climate change: Will your grandchildren live in a UK where East Anglia has been obliterated from the map? Is the long-term solution to climate change consuming less or coming up with clever technology to produce carbon-free energy, or even geo-engineering? And regardless of which of these things we go for, how do we actually get there? Is nuclear a safe bridging technology? How about if that nuclear powerplant or wind farm was in your village?
Transport: There’s no continuous motorway on the East coast north of Leeds (we’re getting there with the improvements to the A1, but right now there isn’t). And don’t get me started on ways of crossing the river Tyne. The rail network is a mess, and it’s cheaper to fly pretty much anywhere within the UK as well as outside (see also climate change). Public transport in many cities is not even worth talking about.
The digital economy: Is copyright infringement really a criminal offense? And will your Internet connection get cut because your teenage kid has been downloading music in their bedroom without you even knowing? Will Facebook sell all your data to Microsoft, and can you do anything about it?
Electoral reform: Do you really want to sit here in another five years’ time wanting to vote for one party but having to vote for another to keep a third one out? Do you want Alan Sugar and a bunch of bishops making the laws of your country or a fully elected second chamber? Do you want an MP tied to your constituency like a social worker, or a Parliament which reflects proportionally what everyone voted for and which deals with national issues? Do you think AV might just be a way of further entrenching the injustices and inequalities of the current system while blocking further reform because “we’ve just had reform, we should let it bed in”? Or do you think that first past the post is the best thing since sliced bread?
These may not be issues that touch you personally. Or you may disagree with my assessment of them. But I can guarantee that there are things being talked about by every political party out there that do touch you and that will have a very significant impact on your life over the coming years, regardless of who forms the next government.
I started this post saying that I found myself in a dilemma. Not being allowed to vote is half of it. The other half of course is that, if I had the right to vote, I’d have serious trouble making up my mind between a number of almost-identical candidates in a system that would disenfranchise me regardless because I don’t happen to support Labour or the Tories. Nevertheless, the only way – short, of course, of a revolution – that we can ever change anything is by turning out and voting. I’d encourage you to come up with your own list of things you care about and go talk to your Parliamentary candidates about it over the next week and a half, make up your mind based on the answers, and on the 6th of May go do the one thing I can’t do: vote.

On Words and Other Diversity Issues

So, a small part of my job involves looking after LGB diversity and currently I’m writing a training for people mangers. I was going through some of the case studies with my straight co-trainer this morning and she asked some interesting questions. The case study we were looking at was a legal one, around the legal precedent which essentially outlaws the use of homophobic language in the workplace. “What is homophobic language?” asked my colleague. And she has a point. What is acceptable to one gay person may not be acceptable to another. While some people are perfectly happy to disassociate the use of “That’s so gay” from their identity, others find it offensive. (For those interested, the answer to that is really two-fold: One – ask the person in question. The only way you’ll understand how someone wants to be treated is to ask them. Two – if in doubt think: If there was someone gay in my team and they weren’t out, would my using this kind of language, or permitting the use of this kind of language, send the signal that we are an inclusive and supportive team where people can be themselves or not?)
But that’s not actually what I want to talk about. Instead, consider this: Someone made a remark this afternoon which really triggered me, and made me realise that I find words like “fag” or “dyke” or “That’s so gay” a hell of a lot less offensive than two other words which are often used in discussing sexual orientation: “lifestyle” and “preference”. And the reason why I find those words to be particular triggers is that they change the basis of the debate – subtly, deeply, and insidiously. They frame the debate on LGB issues and rights as an individual choice rather than as an issue of identity, of being, and of inalienable human civil rights.
“Lifestyle” is big in the States. “The homosexual lifestyle” is this grand concept that the right have come up with to imply that… well, when you get down to the bottom of it, to imply that really, if we only tried hard enough, we could be straight; that at some point in our lives we sat down and chose to be “this way”; and that because it’s a personal lifestyle choice we do not deserve the same rights as straight people.
Here’s a few things to consider about this, dear straight person. Firstly, when, exactly, did you sit down and have a long hard think and decided – yes, consciously chose and decided – to be attracted to people of the opposite sex? I’d be interested to hear any and all such experiences and revelations. Secondly, if it really was a choice, do you think anyone would actively choose to be part of an oppressed minority? (Is my use of the word “oppressed” exaggerated? Until 2003 – that’s only 7 years ago, well into the current Labour government – it was for all intents and purposes illegal for a teacher to intervene to stop homophobic bullying in school. This has made homophobic bullying endemic in the British education system to this day, and still very little is being done to address it. Also until 2003, it was perfectly legal for an employer to fire an employee simply for being gay. And until 2007 – that’s three years ago – it was perfectly legal for a business to refuse to provide goods or services to people because they were gay. If it was up to the Conservatives it would still be legal to do that. [Possibly best Google search of the night: “Conservatives gay bed and breakfast”] I’ll stick with “oppressed”.) Would you choose to live a life that exposed you to all that?
Being gay is not a lifestyle choice. It’s not like choosing to live in the city or the countryside, to wear Prada or Gucci, to have 6 kids or none. Being gay is a part of a person’s being, part of their identity, and not something they can change about themselves. How would you feel, dear straight person, if I said to you that I’m sure if you just tried hard enough you could be gay too?
“Preference” is another trigger word for me, for very similar reasons. What “preference” implies to a gay person is that they may prefer to have a partner/sleep/share their life with someone of the same sex as them, but really, in a pinch someone of the opposite sex will do just fine. Let’s turn this around. Dear straight person, I know you prefer to have a partner/sleep/share your life with someone of the opposite sex, but really, in a pinch, someone of the same sex will do just fine, right? Right?
So next time you talk about LGB issues, please, please think about the words you’re using! Do you really want to imply that there’s a choice? In that case go ahead and keep using “lifestyle” and “preference”, but don’t be surprised if you get a lecture from me. If, instead, you want to respect people’s identity and accept them for who they are, please use “sexual orientation” instead.
And here’s another diversity trigger for me: Every time we talk about diversity in the workplace (not just where I work, I occasionally attend industry conferences and it’s the same across the board), this question invariably comes up, and it invariably comes up from a straight, white, middle-class man: “But surely $disadvantaged_group just don’t like working in $our_industry. Why are we trying to make our workforce representative if those kinds of people just don’t want to work here?” You can insert you own industry and disadvantaged group here. The two recent examples I’ve had are “women in IT” and “gay people anywhere outside the arts and airlines”.
This is where this morning’s Thought for the Day comes in. (Some of you may know I’m not a fan of Thought for the Day, but this one was good.) Rabbi Lionel Blue was talking about his experience of being gay in a country/society where for a substantial part of his life it was illegal to be gay, and then again for a long time it was semi-legal but not socially acceptable. The thing that struck me – and not for the first time in a testimonial from someone who’s lived a significant part of their adult life pre-2003 – was the strain that kind of social attitude puts on your personal relationships. When being gay means you can be put in jail, or lose your job, you’re faced with some pretty stark choices. Your employer’s just asked you to move to Birmingham? You can’t tell them about your partner who works in London. Which will it be? Your career or your relationship? You’ve been invited to a work do where partners are welcome and where you’ll get plenty of opportunity to network with senior management. Your partner is fed up with having to stay behind, to be kept a secret. That kind of thing break up relationships too, you know? And then we get the stereotype that gay people can’t settle down and be in a stable relationship, that they’re promiscuous, that they just won’t fit in! Well apart from what’s wrong with someone not fitting in with your ideal chosen lifestyle, can you spot what else is wrong with this picture? That’s right. If all the social and political structures around you are designed to keep you from settling down in a stable relationship, then maybe, just maybe you could be forgiven for succumbing to that pressure.
And here’s how this ties into women in IT, and gay people outside the arts. So, I’m a young, intelligent woman, fresh out of school, trying to decide what to do with my life. All my life I have seen women role models in the caring professions (nursing, teaching, etc.) – women choose to work there, it must be a good place to work if you’re a woman. Women even get into leadership positions in that kind of industry – maybe there’s a way for me to make a career in that industry too! I look at engineering or IT and suddenly in a company of 100 engineers, the only women are the secretaries. The signal that sends to me is “there is no place for you here, my child”. I can’t even see an entry point into the profession, let alone a long-term career. The fundamental structures around me are set up to steering me in one direction and not the other – it has nothing to do with my talent or ambition.
Repeat after me: women do not naturally prefer pink and want to become nurses; gay people do not naturally prefer the arts or being a flight attendant to all other occupations. But those are the areas they have been able to carve out a niche for themselves that accepts them and allows them to have a career without having to push water up hill every hour of every day of their working lives. I have a lot of respect for pioneers of any kind of disadvantaged group in any profession. But we can’t all be expected to be pioneers.
The message employers should take out is this: Top talent comes in all colours, genders, sexual orientations, religions, ages and levels of ability. People from all of these background can, want to, and will contribute to your business, if you only give them the opportunity. Show them you value them. Show them that, if they’re the first woman engineer in your company, they will be looked after, their input will be valued, they will be encouraged, there will be a career for them, and their individual needs will be considered. Give them mentors and coaches and role models. Actively go out and target them when you’re recruiting. That girl leaving school and wondering what to do with her life might be your next CIO, and might kick the arses of all the straight, white, middle-class boys in her class. But she needs to see you make an effort to welcome her. That gay boy might just discover a new chemical that will change the game in your business for the next 20 years. If you assume he just wants to go to art school, and your competitors make an effort to recruit him, guess what – you’re screwed.
This came out way longer than I thought it would, and now I’m going to bed.

The Year of Living Without the BPI (and the RIAA, of course)

So, on April 7th the Digital Economy Bill, an extremely ill thought-out piece of legislation designed to protect big business interests in the entertainment industry over the civil rights of ordinary citizens, passed third reading in the House of Commons in the “wash-up” process before the general election, and was granted Royal Assent on April 8th.
Therefore, from April 7th 2010 until April 7th 2011 I will live without the BPI, who were one of the major lobbying forces behind the Act. I will not:

  • buy music by any artist signed by a major record label in the UK or the US;
  • illegally download music by any artist signed by a major record label in the UK or the US.

I will:

  • do my best to support independent, unsigned bands with both money and word of mouth;
  • post semi-regular updates on how this endeavour is going: the mainstream bands I wish I could buy stuff from, the latest small band I’ve discovered, how I discover new artists, and how much money I’m spending on music.

I expect a few things will happen:

  • The artists whose music I will most regret not being able to buy will be mid-list or small signed artists (the likes of, say, Hanne Hukkelberg), rather than the chart-toppers.
  • The amount of money I spend on music will not change significantly. (That will be difficult to measure, as I don’t really have a baseline. I spent around about GBP300 between September 2009 and February 2010, but hadn’t spent much in the 6 months before that… We’ll see.)
  • The way I discover music has already changed over the last couple of years (since I stopped listening to Virgin Radio) but I expect it will start relying even more on word of mouth and social networking.
  • If I make up to the Edinburgh fringe again, I expect a spike in my spending on music there. 🙂

How’s it going so far?
Well, on April 6th Amanda Palmer finally ditched Roadrunner Records and released a song in celebration of it. I think given the time difference etc. I probably would have picked this one up on April 7th anyway, but either way it’s so close to my chosen time period that it counts. The song was released on a pay-what-you-like basis and I paid a dollar for it and downloaded it. I haven’t listened to it much to be honest.
On April 12th, The Indelicates released their new album Songs for Swinging Lovers. The release was accompanied by a live webcast of the entire album which I thoroughly enjoyed. The album was released on a pay-what-you-like basis, and I downloaded it and paid GBP10 for it. I’ve listened to it a few times and while I still think The Indelicates are a lot better live than recorded, it’s damn good album. Incidentally, I’m incredibly tempted to take advantage of one of the “special edition” options of this album – the one where Simon and Julia Indelicate rock up at your house, perform and record the album for you, and sign over the rights to the master – for my 30th birthday next year.
On April 17th, Paul and I went to see EvelynEvelyn, and while only half of the conjoined-twin-sister-singer-songwriter-duo actually made it to Glasgow (courtesy of the Ash Cloud of Doom), it was arguably the best gig I’ve been to. I bought the album for the asking price of GBP10 (which is a substantial mark-up on the online store cover price of USD11, but does mean I don’t have to pay horrendous shipping costs from the States). So far I’ve listened to the album only once, just now, because it does actually require active listening for the full hour, and I haven’t had the time and opportunity really.
Again courtesy of the Ash Cloud, instead of Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley supporting the Evelyn sisters, we had Bitter Ruin. For the record: those guys blew my mind. They’re amazing. As they walked off the stage, I walked across to the merch table and got a copy of the album. The cover price was GBP5 – I paid 10, they were that good. And I don’t regret it. I’ve been listening to Bitter Ruin on loop for the last couple of days. Their next album is coming out next month and I’m really looking forward to it.
So in about 3 weeks I’ve spent just over 30 quid on recorded music from unsigned artists and am very happy with it. Oh, and I’ve recommended all of the above artists to various friends.
What’s next? I’ll probably have a poke around Corporate Records to see if there’s anything else on there I like; I’ll go poke Thea Gilmore’s website and catch up with whatever she’s been up to since I pirated Avalanche about five years ago (I hear she’s doing interesting things with subscription models, though I think technically she’s signed – or at least some of her albums are); there are a number of albums due out soon from unsigned artists I like which I’m looking forward to; and of course if I make it to the Edinburgh Fringe that should be exciting. Oh, and Loreena McKennitt appears to be running her own indie record label so I guess she’s back on the allowed list – and I owe her money as I don’t currently have a legal copy of The Book of Secrets.

Why Content Is a Public Good

This post has been two years in the making. I had the insight for it about two years ago and have been meaning to blog about it since then, all the time wondering why no one has twigged this yet, or whether they have and were too scared to say, or whether I just didn’t know that they had. Anyway, what with the Digital Economy Bill having become the Digital Economy Act last week, it’s about bloody time I get my act together and put this out there.
So, let’s have a bit of economics to start with. Because this is what’s it’s all about – the money, the economic incentives and the economic possibilities; and because I’m an economist by training, though I don’t like to admit to it most days.
There’s a theory in economics about things called “public goods”. To understand the distinction between private goods, public goods and the couple of shades of grey in between, you first need to get your head around two concepts: rival and excludable.
Rival: (Wikipedia seems to call this “rivalrous”, but when I were a young economist lass we used to call it rival so I’ll stick with that.) A good is rival if my consumption of it diminishes the amount of the good that you can consume. Say we had 10 apples, and I ate one. There would now be 9 apples left which you could eat. If we had one apple and I ate all of it, tough luck, no apples for you. Knowing whether a good is rival or not tells you whether you want to use the market (if I were a good economist that would possibly be capital-M Market 😉 to allocate access to that good. If it’s rival, then the market is an efficient way of allocating the good; if it’s not, then you might want to think about other ways of getting your good to people. Remember that scary anti-piracy clip at the start of your DVDs which says “You wouldn’t steal a handbag”? Hold that thought for a minute.
Excludable: A good is excludable if you physically have a way of stopping people from consuming it. Back to the apples: if they’re in my fridge, inside my locked house and you don’t have a key, you can’t have my apples. (Yes, yes, you could break in. The law provides additional protection here, but ultimately there’s probably a better way for you to obtain an apple than breaking into my house, right?) Knowing whether a good is excludable tells you whether you can use the market to distribute the good. If your good is excludable, go ahead and sell it on the open market; if it’s not – you might struggle because you can’t stop people from just taking it for free.
So. Most of the goods you deal with in your day-to-day life are both rival and excludable. We call them pure private goods. But there’s a few things here and there that aren’t as clear-cut, and this is where it gets a little messy.
If a good is rival, but not excludable, we call it a common good. In that case, we want to use the market to allocate that resource but it’s actually quite difficult to do. Fish in the sea is a good example: my overfishing the seas stops you from being able to fish and leads to long-term damage to fish stocks, yet it’s remarkably difficult to stop me from doing it using just market tools.
If a good is non-rival but excludable, we call it a club good. The classic example given in economics textbooks is cable television but I’m going to steer away from that for reasons which will become obvious. A better example for me is a golf course. My pottering about hitting a ball with a stick does not diminish your ability to do the same (as long as there’s not thousands of us in the same place), and with a judicious application of fences I can stop you from coming in and therefore charge you money for the privilege (i.e. use the market). Is that the most efficient allocation of golf courses? Not necessarily, but it works, more or less, because they’re excludable and therefore we can use the market.
Here’s the important part: a good that is neither rival nor excludable is called a pure public good, and the market is neither a practical nor an efficient way of allocating that good. The textbook example here is national defence. I’m in the UK, so are you; the UK has an army which protects us both (Theoretically speaking – this is not about the value or otherwise of the army, kay?), no matter what either of us do. Purely by virtue of being here we benefit from it – there’s no way of stopping one of us from benefiting from defence, nor does my enjoyment of this good in any way diminish yours.
So, to recap, for pure private goods, the market is both a practical and efficient way of allocating resources, and that’s what we do most of the time. As soon as we move away from the pure private good paradigm, either because our good is non-rival or non-excludable or both, the market ceases to look like a good idea. In practice, what happens is that we try to use technical and/or legislative means to help us approximate private goods when dealing with any type of not purely private good. We can, for instance, make it a crime to overfish the seas, or put fences around our golf course to stop people from overrunning it without paying; we can make it a crime not to pay the tax that contributes to running the armed forces. (Oh and, incidentally, using a public-type good without paying your dues is called “free-riding”. It’s something economists are obsessed with stopping.)
Okay, enough with the theory. Let’s look at content in practice. Remember that little clip at the start of your legally purchased DVD that delays your enjoyment of the film you’ve paid to see to tell you about how you wouldn’t steal a handbag and thus should not steal a movie either? If you’ve been paying attention you should by now have spotted that these two things (the handbag and the movie) are not alike. If I steal a handbag it stops you from having it; if I download a movie from Piratebay, there is nothing that stops you from enjoying that same movie (either by getting it from Piratebay yourself or by forking out 20 quid at HMV or a fiver at Tesco’s). In other words, while handbags are rival, movies aren’t.
Hold the rotten tomatoes. I am not saying that stealing a movie is a victimless crime, or that it’s not stealing, or that the people who make the movies shouldn’t get paid because I can get my movie off Piratebay. What I’m doing is describing the behaviour of movies as goods in economic terms. We’ll come to the moralising in a bit.
What’s been happening over the last 10 or 15 years is that it’s become progressively more difficult to make content (such as DVDs or CDs or cable television) excludable. Thanks to progress in technology, such as making the media via which content is distributed cheaper, faster and easier to copy, if I want to watch a movie tonight I don’t have to go to the cinema or to HMV to obtain it, I can just stay in the comfort of my own home and download it from the internet. This kind of progress isn’t new. Remember how home taping was killing music? Same phenomenon really, but the internet has just scaled it up by a factor of 1 with lots of zeros on the end. In the 1980s, if I bought an album and then made a copy on tape for my friends, there were only a limited number of people I could distribute those tapes to: 5, 10, 100 if I tried really hard and didn’t mind forking out money for the blank tapes. Along came Napster, and all of a sudden my copy of The Black Album could be accessed by millions of people at no marginal cost whatsoever.
Remember how, to make public-type goods behave more like private goods, we use technology or legislation? The content distributors made DRM, we cracked DRM, they made more DRM, we cracked it again, rinse, repeat. Turns out technology wasn’t very good at this. The other tool in the box is of course legislation. Copyright laws already existed and, let’s face it, we’d already been breaking them cheerfully for years (see home taping) before Napster made an appearance – at least in part because copyright legislation isn’t fit for purpose (see breaking the law by ripping your CD to put it on your iPod). So the content distributors (distributors, not creators – important distinction) lobbied our elected representatives to tie our hands even more using legislation. The DMCA was born, and more recently the Digital Economy Act. Other countries, too, are reviewing their copyright provisions. There’s been a recent government consultation in Canada, and ACTA is on its way. (I trust you can google DMCA and ACTA if you’re not familiar with them.)
Here’s the thing though: no amount of legislation will put that particular genie back in its box. Or at least no amount of legislation that is either acceptable in a democratic society (Yes, the Digital Economy Act arguably crosses that line already, but it’s easily circumvented by technological means and I certainly don’t believe we can go much further beyond the line.) or cost-effective to enforce. Content has never been a rival good and recent technological progress has made it, for all intents and purposes, non-excludable. It’s time to face the music: Content is a public good.
Here’s what this doesn’t mean: It doesn’t mean content is free (Cleverer people than me have explained why information doesn’t want to be free.), or cheap to make (though it can be), or that content creators should not get rewarded for their efforts.
And here’s what it does mean: It means that old business models based on content being a club good simply don’t work. It means we have to rethink our relationship with content – as creators, as distributors and as consumers. It means that there are a lot of giants in the content distribution industry whose livelihoods (profit margins) are being pulled out from under them faster than they can say “illegal downloads”, and they are fighting it. Of course they’re fighting it. They’ve had an incredibly profitable business model for about a century and suddenly they don’t. Let’s face it, human beings don’t like change at the best of times, and we sure as hell don’t like it when it means less cash in our pockets.
And here’s what it also means: Content creators have direct access to content consumers (see “we have to rethink our relationship” above). There’s a myriad of way to create, promote and make available your content; and those are just the ones we’ve thought of so far – more are coming. While old industries may be victims of change, the money that previously went to them is being redistributed, creating new industries. For most of us, this is something to get excited about. (And even for David Geffen it’s an opportunity to come up with something new and shiny and exciting, if he only took it!)
So what does the future of content look like? The short answer is that I don’t know, but here are a few guesses and extrapolations from what I’m seeing already.
There is by now more than just anecdotal evidence that, for certain types of content at least, putting it up for free on the internet will actually increase your sales. Books are a good example here and Cory Doctorow demonstrates this quite nicely – all his books are available for free from his website and he’s selling loads of them. (I suspect part of the reason why this works so nicely with books is that we bibliophiles already have a special relationship with dead-tree versions of things, we like to own them, and we like to support the people who create them. It’s in the culture.)
Putting your stuff up for free on the internet does two things. Firstly, it helps you reach a wider audience. A lot of people who wouldn’t fork out the best part of a tenner on a book or CD will happily download it for free. They might find they like the book or CD, and that might make them pay up, or it might make them recommend it/share it with their friends, and some of them might pay up. Secondly, it allows you to price-discriminate in the most finely-tuned way possible – it allows you to charge every single person who comes across your content exactly what they’re willing to pay for it. This is actually a good thing for content creators: it maximises your (the creator’s) profits while the consumer pays for the content according to how much they value it – no more, no less. This may mean I get lots more content more cheaply now, or I focus on giving my favourite artists more money – the choice is up to me. (Price discrimination is traditionally seen as Evil by economists who believe in the Market. In many cases it is. In this case… I have yet to see an argument to convince me.)
I think another trend we’re likely to see is a move away from big blockbuster type content (bands like Metallica, or the Foo Fighters, movies like Avatar, big-budget TV shows, etc.) towards a wider range of smaller artists. Being a rock star may not make one or two bands a year hugely, astronomically rich, but more artists should hopefully be able to make a living off their art.
We’re going to see a wider variety of distribution models. My favourite example at the moment is the forthcoming Indelicates album which comes as a “pay-what-you-like” download, CD, iTunes type formats, CD plus various levels of extras such as art books, and the super special edition where Julia and Simon Indelicate rock up at your house, perform the album, record the performance and sign over the rights to the master. (I’m thinking that’d make a great 30th birthday present – hint-hint…) Amanda Palmer is also experimenting with different ways of making money, including pay-what-you-like releases and webcasts where she auctions off her finance’s daughter. Ditto Zoe Keating. Kickstart looks like a great way of funding art too.
Consumers’ relationship with art and artists will change. It will be a lot more direct. Art isn’t the shiny disc that you buy from Tesco’s anymore. It’s the project that your favourite artist announces on their blog and asks you for funding and posts updates about and that you wait for with increasing excitement. How we find new artists we like will change. I did a little calculation back in February on how much money I’d spent on music over the previous 6 months, and had to stop counting at the 300 quid mark lest I gave myself a heart attack. Of all of the musicians whose music I bought, I’d only discovered one or two through the radio (and that was Radio 4, so they, too, were fairly obscure). One set were street musicians whose CD I bought. A few I’d discovered through other artists I liked (Amanda Palmer through Neil Gaiman, Zoe Keating and the Indelicates through Amanda Palmer, etc.). One CD I’d meant to buy for a while and was prompted by seeing the artist in an episode of a TV series which I’d nabbed from Piratebay. A substantial number I discovered through friends pointing me in their direction and giving me free samples to listen to.
Of course there will be free-riders. Not everyone will pay for the content they download for free, even if they really like it. But those people might point their friends in the direction of that artist. (There’s a reason why I’m plugging a bunch of artists in the previous paragraph. 😉 And even if they don’t, you know what? That’s okay too. As long as there are enough of us willing to pay for our art so that artists can make a living, that’s fine. It’ll be a bit like public services: some people pay their taxes, some people find all the loopholes, some people claim more benefits than they’re allowed. It’s not always 100% fair, but in the grand scheme of things, it works.
I think the sooner artists start engaging with their fanbase in a direct way and looking for creative ways to distribute their art, the more successful they will be. Content consumers need re-educating, and those artists who reach out to do that education first will be ahead of the game. Those who hide behind their record labels, sue their fans and see them as the enemy… well, we’ll see, but I ain’t buying CDs from Metallica anymore – haven’t ever since they helped shut down Napster.
The distribution models I’ve talked about don’t necessarily suit all types of media. They work well for books and music, they may not work well for the type of TV and movies that we’re currently used to. But we’re already seeing innovation in those sectors too (Hulu, being able to buy individual episodes of series from iTunes). It’ll come.
Bottom line: change is happening. There will be winners and losers, it’ll be a long and difficult process. But the sooner we collectively stop sticking our heads in the sand and admit that content is a public good, and that that puts some responsibility on consumers too, the sooner we can start figuring out – together, rather than as enemies – what we want the future to look like.

Ada Lovelace Day 2010 – Part 2

I’ve just remembered the other person I had filed away at the back of my mind with an Ada Lovelace Day 2010 tag.
Lise Meitner in 1900
Lise Meitner was born in Vienna in 1878 to a Jewish family. She studied physics and became the second women to obtain a doctoral degree from the University of Vienna. She moved to Berlin where she became Max Planck’s assistant (the Max Planck of the Planck Constant but also the Max Planck who wouldn’t, before Meitner, even allow women into his lectures).
Most of Meitner’s research was in collaboration with the chemist Otto Hahn. In the early 1930s they worked on attempts to create elements heavier that uranium by bombarding heavy nuclei with neutrons. With the rise of Hitler in Germany and the Anschluss of Austria, it became unsafe for Meitner to remain in Germany and she fled to Stockholm. From Stockholm, she continued her correspondence with Otto Hahn, who by that point was getting some really interesting experimental results from his attempts to create heavy elements – what he found was that as he bombarded heavy nuclei with neutrons, the output was actually lighter elements.
It was Meitner, with her physics background, who provided the theoretical explanation for what Hahn was seeing in the lab. She suggested that, instead of sticking to the nucleus and making it heavier, the neutrons were actually splitting it into two smaller nuclei – the process we now know as neutron-induced fission.
As the practical implications of her work were recognised, Meitner was invited to join the Manhattan Project, which she declined. Otto Hahn received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on nuclear fission, while Meitner was not recognised. In later life, she even refused to appear in a documentary about the atomic bomb as she did not want her name associated with it, though she is believed to have been bitter about not receiving any official credit and recognition for her work on fission.
Personally, I think she was an amazing woman and pioneer not just as female physicist but of physics in general.

Ada Lovelace Day 2010 – Part 1

As @FindingAda just pointed out on Twitter, it’s not midnight in the middle of the Pacific yet, and thus it’s still Ada Lovelace Day 2010. So here’s my 2 Eurocents.
I was originally going to interview my mother for this (she is a chemist by education and worked as a research chemist for many years before other developments in her life made her change career). But when I phoned her last night she was in no mood to be interviewed and I was stuck without a subject. (My Mum’s now been given a year’s notice to prepare herself for she shall be blogged about next Ada Lovelace Day.)
And then someone posted something on a discussion forum in a completely unrelated topic that made me thing. And thus I present to you my ALD10 heroine: Eve. Yes, that’s as in Adam and…
(Caveat: I’m an atheist, I speak of Eve purely as a metaphor.)
Quick recap: God creates Adam, and from his rib he makes Eve (#include legends_and_apocrypha_about_previous_incarnations_such_as_Lilith.h). Adam and Eve are given the run of the Garden of Eden provided they don’t eat the fruit of two trees: the tree of knowledge, and the tree of life – because should they eat both they would know good from evil and live forever, thus becoming like god.
Eve meets the snake and the snake starts asking some questions. And instead of doing what good, god-fearing people tend to do which is say “Oh, god told me not to, I’d better not question this”, Eve goes along with the questioning and ends up doing the first scientific experiment: “What happens if I eat this apple?”
What happens are a number of things: Adam and Eve get kicked out of the garden of Eden (bad), but they now know good from evil, and they – and their children, and their children’s children – will never stop asking questions. They will try to build the Tower of Babel looking for god (an ancient equivalent of the LHC perhaps, looking for the “god particle”?), and much, much later, they will create a scientific method based on observation, experimentation and questioning of accepted wisdom. “I was told not to eat this apple. I wonder what happens if I do eat it. Oh look, there’s an entire world beyond this walled garden!” turns into “I was told everything’s made out of earth, water, fire and air. I wonder why there seem to be different kinds of air. Oh look, I’ve made the first step towards discovering modern chemistry!”
For me the story of Adam and Eve never really made sense. It always reflected rather poorly on god for wanting to keep us in the dark and on Adam for just accepting received wisdom. And thus I claim that – metaphorically at least – Eve was the first scientist, and all those others follow in her footsteps.)

Review: Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake

So I took Paul and the outlaws to the ballet for the first time in their lives last night, to see Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake. Arguably not the best choice for a first ballet, but hey, you win some, you lose some. And to be fair, they all said they really liked it.
I am torn. It was moving. For much of today, I found it haunting. I couldn’t get it out of my head – not the good bits and not the bad bits.
Let’s start with the good bits. The promotional poster said it would change the way I saw ballet forever, and the more I think about that the more I realise that it’s true. In some ways this was a lot closer to, say, Zen Zen Zo than the State Opera House in Vienna. And in those ways is was damn good. The choreography was spectacular. The men – let’s admit to this up front – were beautiful. It did in no way suffer from the absence of swan maidens, and I suspect I might find it an interesting and in some ways difficult experience to watch a more traditional production again – though I plan to.
My biggest problem comes from the story-telling. The plot is far from tight. Superfulous elements already start in Act 1 with the silly ballet within a ballet, and the seedy club. Act 2, beautiful and full of hot swan-men though it is, dragged on just a touch too long. When I’m being distracted from the characters and the amazing dancing by looking at my watch, thinking “When does the story move on?” something’s wrong. Act 3 similarly rather overstated the point. The only act that was really and truly tight in terms of story-telling was the last one.
What’s worse is that the plot doesn’t make sense. In the original, a lot of the tragedy comes from the fact that there is a connection between Odette and Odile, and a driving force/villain in the form of Odile father the mage. In Matthew Bourne’s version there is no obvious connection between the Swan and the Stranger. The latter is just some guy who gate-crashes a party.
Even a more charitable interpretation of the Stranger being the Swan but rejecting the Prince in public as he is not comfortable with his sexuality is problematic. The first interpretation leaves us with the Prince falling for some random straight guy who happens to look like his lover (cliché anyone?), while the latter is an even bigger cliché of the gay guy in the closet beating up his boyfriend to show off how not-gay he is. All three of the gay couples currently on German soap operas started out that way (don’t ask). Add to this the Prince’s absent (dead?) father and domineering, distant and slightly slutty mother (you keeping count of the clichés?) and you end up with something that may have been striking and original in terms of plot in 1995 but really doesn’t quite cut it in 2010.
Having said that, the choreography and basic idea do remain striking and original, and my problems are of an implementational nature only. I do not regret having seen the production, and probably wouldn’t require much talking-into seeing it again.

Book Review: Guy Gavriel Kay – Under Heaven

Guy Gavriel Kay is the author of one of my three favourite books ever (Lions of Al-Rassan), and another seven of his books make up the rest of my top 10 most days.
He is a man who writes for and with the heart. So while the part of me that is my brain read Under Heaven and quite enjoyed pointing out minor things that were wrong with the book (I’ll come back to them), the part of me that is my heart found itself laughing and crying and, most importantly, deeply caring about the characters and what happened to them. And surely, that is what counts as success in a novel!
Under Heaven is set in a fictionalised 8th century (Tang Dynasty) China (though interestingly not in Kay’s “usual” universe under the two moons – this world only has one). After Last Light of the Sun and Ysabel, Under Heaven is also a return to the more familiar style and subject matter of sophisticated medieval courts and civilisations, the interplay of politics and art, the effect of world-shattering events on ordinary individuals.
When Shen Tai, second son of the great General Shen Gao, concludes the mourning period for his father, during which he has been burying the dead of battles past between his own native Kitai and their age-old enemy the Taguran Empire, a Kitan princess given as wife to the Taguran Emperor 20 years ago makes him a gift. It is a gift which catapults Tai from two years of solitude at the edge of civilisation straight into the intrigues and machinations of the dangerous, sophisticated imperial court at Xinan in what are… interesting times, much in the sense of the old Chinese curse.
Along the way Tai meets a poet and a Kanlin warrior sent to guard his life by a former lover, he encounters generals, prefects, princes, the Emperor’s powerful concubine and the Emperor himself. He makes friends and enemies and in the end does something which two years of solitude were not enough to help him do – he finds himself and what he wants.
A second plot thread is that of Tai’s sister Shen Li-Mei, elevated to Imperial Princess by the intrigues of their older brother Liu and sent away as bride to the heir to the kaghan of the Bogü people beyond the Long Wall, her life changed forever in ways that no one could have anticipated.
Here is what my brain says is wrong with this book:
The protagonist spends the entire first part (164 pages) trying to get laid. And yes, a lot of that is a metaphor for emerging from isolation and heading back towards civilisation, but my brain still sniggered on page 164.
Writing the Other: This is the first real excursion Kay makes into writing about cultures that are significantly different from our own, rather than precursors of our own. All his previous books have had, more or less, European medieval settings. With the shift to medieval Asia there is a very significant challenge of writing about a culture that is deeply alien. Some parts of the book are successful in this respect, but others are not. The passage which grates the most is the one where the family of our main character is shown explicitly to have morals closer to those of the modern reader than the rest of the culture they live in. In all fairness, in this I am comparing Kay to someone like Chinua Achebe who manages effortlessly to immerse us in an alien culture to the point where, when the white invaders come we take sides against them. I do, however, believe that Kay is a sufficiently accomplished writer that he should be able to do this, if he consciously tried.
Bechdel: This is partially related to the point above, but only partially. The book passes the Bechdel Test – barely, if you squint at it the right way, and if you, like me, are a huge Kay fan and really really want him to pass the Bechdel Test. Kay is very good at writing strong female characters, and a number of them will stay in my mind and heart forever: Jehanne, Miranda Belmonte d’Alveda, Lisseult, Ariane de Carenzu, Dianora, Alixana, and a few others. But I would have to go back and re-read those books to check whether they actually pass the Bechdel test, because I’m really not sure. Under Heaven is in a similar situation, in that we don’t lack for strong female characters – from the Kanlin Warrior protecting Tai, to his sister, his former lover and the Emperor’s concubine – but they hardly ever meet, and they almost never actually talk to each other. This is not something that can’t be fixed with a little conscious effort, which is why it grates quite so much when it happens, especially in a book I otherwise love.
Finally, potatoes: Yes, this is extremely minor, and mostly me being a pedant, but at one point Tai passes farms which grow potatoes. In China. In the 8th century. Now, I’ll admit that I had to check. My knowledge of food history is European-centric (I have possibly spent too much time thinking about what Europeans ate before they started trading with Asia and discovered America, and have reached the conclusion that it was a very sad time indeed), but as far as I knew potatoes hadn’t come to Europe until the Renaissance. A little bit of research reveals that potatoes weren’t introduced to China until the end of the Ming Dynasty in the 17th century.
So far about my brain. This is what my heart said:
My heart let my brain write sarcastic notes in the margin until about page 200. It was a slow start to the book, particularly those first 164 pages until Tai gets laid. It’s entirely possible that I didn’t find it terribly engaging at that point because we spent so much time looking at things from an exclusively male point of view. There is, of course, a point to the slow start. The protagonist has spent two years in almost complete isolation when the world begins catching up with him. The pace of the writing in this section reflects Tai’s state of mind, something that Kay is very good at doing.
After about page 200, I found the book a lot more engaging, and around the end of the second part, Under Heaven became almost impossible to put down. I had some late nights this week, because I wanted to know what happened. What is perhaps most surprising is the bond I developed with the main characters without noticing. When Tai, Spring Rain, Li-Mei and Wei Song make their respective decisions at the end, they are all described as having reached those conclusions a long time ago but not having fully realised it. This is a little bit how I felt when, reading certain passages in the last few chapters, I started to cry. I didn’t know I cared that much.
At this point, I would quite like to quote a couple of sentences from the final chapter – Kay is good with endings – but I am not allowed until the book is published so I shan’t. Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed Under Heaven, though it’s not quite as sublime as Lions of Al-Rassan and The Sarantine Mosaic. I do suspect that, like the Mosaic, it will grow on me further on a second reading, too.
Under Heaven is published in hardback at the end of April, and my Amazon pre-order for a non-ARC copy still stands.